US Surname Distribution Analysis
Upload Census National Index File

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Census Index File:
Aggregate by:   Census State  Birth State
Population Densities
 1 Enter the full pathname of the file you have extracted from the LDS 1880 Census National Index, or use the Browse button to locate the file on your own PC.  For details on how to extract the data from the National Index CDs, click here.
 2 Select the way the records will be aggregated.  The LDS 1880 Census National Index lists the Census State (where the person was on Census night) and Birth State (where the person was born).
 3 Check the Population Densities box to plot the population density instead of the  number of individuals per County. Population Density is calculated as follows:-
  Density = Number of surnames in the County / Population of the County
 4 Click Upload to transfer the file to the webserver.  Depending on the size of the file, and the speed of the connection, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes.

If your file is larger than 300Kb and you are a Windows user, you should consider downloading the Aggregation program and aggregating your National Index File on your PC.  The resulting Aggregated Distribution file is much smaller, typically 2 - 10Kb.

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